Friday, June 21, 2024

Fuzanglong Legionnaire (new class)

 It has been a while, here is some lore and a new class.

Fuzanglong Legion

 Sallying forth under the banner of a green dragon the Fuzanglong Legion is a politically unaligned mercenary army from Lusebao in the Fenghuang Empire. Fighting for the highest bidder the legion has a reputation for changing sides mid battle and greedily looting lands they have helped to conquer.

 Former officers in the legion have gone on to become mayors, generals, warlords in their own right and even on one occasion marry into the imperial family. With a predilection towards poisonous weaponry the legion is detested for the methods they employ but respected for their prowess in combat. 

Fuzanglong Legionnaire

Requirements: Minimum INT 9

Prime requisite: STR

Hit Dice: 1d8

Maximum level: 14

Armour: Any including shields

Weapons: Any

Languages: Alignment, Common, Dragon.

Alignment: Members of the legion must be chaotic in alignment and have sworn an oath of loyalty to the legion. Renegade members may be hunted down and killed.

A legionnaire must have a golden medallion of the green dragon to show their membership of the legion.


Legionnaire’s use poison as an assassin. They can identify any poison or its effects if they have previously seen or used it and have a 1-in-six chance of identifying a poison they have not seen or used before.

Saving Throw Bonus

Legionnaire’s have a +1 to saving throws against poison.


Upon reaching second level a legionnaire may establish an outpost of the legion and raise their own company of the legion marshalling as many legionnaires as they can afford to pay.

Reaching 12th level and above

 A 12th level or higher legionnaire commands the entire Fuzanglong Legion, to rise to this level the legionnaire must remove the existing commander and replace them or defeat all rivals if the position is empty.

Legionnaire’s use the fighter progression table.

Spy (New class)

 A new class that might work best for NPCs, the spy! This is first draft material. Spy Requirements: Minimum CHA 9, DEX 9 Prime requisite: ...