Friday, September 2, 2022

Guimond's Light


By Glenn Robinson

Self Publixhed

OSE Levels 1-2

Premise: An old ruined lighthouse might hold the secret to a missing ship.

What do we get here?

 Over 8 pages we get a simple adventure that has about 10 locations.


 Everything is set out really clearly in this short adventure giving you all the meat you need to run this adventure. About my only criticism is that I wish the writing would spell out up front what is actually happening here rather than leaving the DM to read between the lines like a player.

 All the rooms are well described and the information around them is laid out in such a way to be easy to scan.


 As long as you have a coastline you are good to go with plopping this adventure down in pretty much any campaign world. There is very little detail but still plenty of flavour, something which is not easy to achieve!


 You definitely can, and should run this adventure! It is pay what you want so potentially free.

 I could see expanding this one out, increasing the creepy levels of the farmer and their community to build this into more of a horror adventure. You could possibly even make this a nice little Ravenloft adventure doing so having the scarecrows be a larger part of the adventure and coming up with a main figure running the farming community as the real big bad.

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