Sunday, September 4, 2022

Huberic of Haghill

By Bill Owen and Bob Bledsaw

Judges Guild

Advanced (no level)

Premise: A retired adventurer rules over a castle built on top of some sealed off dungeons.

What do we get here?

 Over just under a page we get information detailing the mini setting of Haghill and NPCs found there along with a second page providing a hex map of the location.


 What little information there is is fairly easy to scan through and parse. You get just enough information from the single sentence description to run each NPC and a nice little collection of rumours about the area.

 The map is pretty easy to make out what is going on despite only being black and white.

 What you do not get here is any dungeons or clarification of what is actually going on. There are no monsters and the only magic items listed are owned by NPCs.


 There is not much to tie this to a specific setting other than the god of the local cleric which you can easily change to fit your own setting.


 Alright so this is not an adventure at all really. I may have been over sold by the review of the setting on Melan's blog.

 As a concept this is pretty fun and gives you stuff to work with, you just need to have your own dungeons from other products or ones you have made yourself to slot in where required here. This could make a nice campaign setting for kicking off a campaign if you put some work into it. These days there are better products out there but this does show the roots of how such things should be written.

I am not actually sure you can buy this anywhere right now given most people have rightfully cut ties with the current owner of Judges Guild, good luck in your search.

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