Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Vault of the Forgotten King


By John Nash

One page dungeon contest 2022

No system, no level given.

Premise: The tomb of a forgotten king awaits exploration.

What do we get here?

 A single page gives us a map of a dungeon with 16 keyed rooms.


 As a dungeon to hack through this is a perfectly serviceable effort. Both the map and room keys are mostly easy to understand. I would say the the actual design of the dungeon is probably the best part here, plenty of loops and secret or obscured doors. A good example of how to give yourself a solid foundation to build from.

 There is a good smattering of stuff to interact with and a decent wandering monsters table even if the rooms themselves are a little short on monsters in my opinion. Unfortunately the monsters are a mix of beasts and undead with little chance of faction play. 

The issue here is that despite there being mention of murals on a number the rooms they do not come together to tell a story or add much flavour to the dungeon. 


 Without any real lore or details attached to this adventure you can drop it in anywhere.


 I would say this is a fine dungeon to build your own adventure on top of rather than an adventure ready to go. If you spend the time to polish this one up a bit, flavouring it to your own setting it is well worth running. A decent start even if you would not run it straight out of the box.

 PWYW for the whole collection on gumroad or stump up cash on drivethru.

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