Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Quest for the Lost Crown


By Philipp Hajek

One page dungeon contest 2022

No system or level given.

Premise: “You find yourself as the temporary proprietors of the Buttery Cat, a halfling run tavern between the elven forests and the silver mountains. You were hired for free lodging and a meal to keep an eye out on a band of drunken dwarves whilst Mincy the owner runs an errand for more beer.”

What do we get here?

 A single page gives us the outline of an adventure.


 You do not get an adventure here, you get some plot points that might make up an adventure if you put the effort into fleshing it out. Unfortunately the outline is not that interest, a rail road where an NPC seems to do much of the work for the characters.

 There are four suggested encounters, not nearly enough to fill out this adventure and no magic items or rewards to speak of.

 NPCs do not have much personality to them and despite there being two factions there is no real option to play around that.

 I suppose the text is decently formatted even if the writing is bland so there is that. Stuff is broken down into paragraphs with important information bolded.


  As long as you have dwarves and elves in your world you could run this.


  Not something you can whip out and use at the table, does not provide anything unique or unusual to build off of. 

PWYW for the whole collection on gumroad or stump up cash on drivethru.



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