Wednesday, November 9, 2022

The Hallway of Abandoned (Infinite) Worlds


By 30299578815310 

One page dungeon contest 2022

No system or level given.

Premise: A long time ago, with advanced technology or maybe magic, an Interdimensional Tunnel was built on the PC’s homeworld.

What do we get here?

 A single page gives us two random tables one with 36 options, the other with 24.


 I am lukewarm on this from the get go due the nature of shoving sci-fi in my fantasy, not something I like. This is a resource you could use to create a campaign or adventure, it is not an adventure or dungeon in and of itself.

 There is a long hallway with infinite doors and you roll through a finite number of combinations to get some clues on what is behind the doors, they you are expected to flesh it out yourself.

 I suppose the two random tables have some value however this does not coalesce into something that can be run out of the box.


  You have to like sci-fi in your fantasy for this to work, could come across as a massive bait and switch to your players.


  I want stuff I can use not prompts I have to build a whole campaign off of so that is a no from me.

PWYW for the whole collection on gumroad or stump up cash on drivethru.

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