Thursday, December 8, 2022

Absent Without Leaf


By Sjoerd van Wijk

One page dungeon contest 2022

No system or level given.

Premise: Go into a wizard's greenhouse to get a special plant.

What do we get here?

 A single page gives 9 keyed locations.


 While there might be no level stated I would say this adventure is likely designed with 5E in mind, something to consider if you want to run this one.

 The adventure stays on theme through out and all of the parts work together. Some of the magic items are a little silly for my taste and the whole thing is a little more high fantasy than I like.

 Splitting up the room descriptions and monster locations into two different lists is a bit annoying. Sure the monsters can move around but there are better ways to organise this information. You put the monsters in the room they start in then for the other locations you include "noise in this room will attract monster X from room Y", that is more helpful to the GM and keeps information where you need it.

 The map is fine and does a decent job of adding in some loops be splitting things over three levels. There is one small mistake in the key, you can correct that yourself pretty easily.

 All that is missing here really is the option for some faction play. The adventure hook could do with some spicing up too rather than being a fetch quest.


   You probably need a 5E style high magic game for this adventure to work, magic watering cans don't make much sense in low fantasy worlds.


 Fine for a small 5E adventure or a drop in effort as a location for players to explore and poke around with.

PWYW for the whole collection on gumroad or stump up cash on drivethru.

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