Saturday, December 17, 2022

Catfolk (new class)

Famed as blade dancers the catfolk of my homebrew world are this weeks new class. A mix of acrobat and fighter with a touch of bard these charismatic performers are not to be under estimated on the field of battle. 

Side note: It should not be too hard to adapt this concept to a full blade dancer class for humans, something I may do myself in the future if I start running low on class ideas! 


Requirements: None Prime requisite: DEX, CHA Hit Dice: 1d6 Maximum level: 10 Armour: Leather, no shields Weapons: Single handed melee weapons Languages: Alignment, Common, Catfolk Prime requisites: A catfolk with at least 13 DEX and CHA gains a 5% bonus to experience. A catfolk with at least 16 DEX and at least 16 CHA gains a 10% bonus. Encumbrance: Evasion, falling, jumping, and tightrope walking cannot be performed if encumbrance reduces the catfolk’s movement rate to less than 90’ (30’) Anti-Charm While a catfolk plays music or dances and sings, allies within 30’ are immune to song-based magical effects and the beguiling powers of sylvan creatures or fairies. Allies already under the effect of such magic may make another saving throw with a +4 bonus. Catfolk Skills Catfolk can use the following skills with the chance of success shown opposite. ▶ Climb sheer surfaces (CS): A roll is required for each 100’ to be climbed. If the roll fails, the catfolk falls at the halfway point, suffering falling damage. ▶ Falling (FA): When able to dance, catfolk suffer no damage from the first 10’ of any fall. Damage due to falling from a greater height is reduced by the listed percentage (rounding fractions down). ▶ Pick pockets (PP): If the victim is above 5th level, the catfolk ’s roll is penalised by 5% for every level above 5th. There is always at least a 1% chance of failure. A roll of more than twice the percentage required for success means that the attempted theft is noticed. The referee should determine the reaction of the victim. ▶ Tightrope walking (TW): Catfolk can walk along tightropes, narrow beams, and ledges at up to half their normal movement rate. A roll is required every 60’. Failure indicates that the catfolk falls and suffers falling damage. Windy conditions may reduce the chance of success by up to 20%. Holding a balance pole increases the chance of success by 10%. Evasion When retreating from melee, a catfolk’s ability to dance negates the opponent’s usual +2 bonus to hit. Jumping With a 20’ run-up, a catfolk can jump across a 10’ wide pit or chasm (or 20’ wide when aided by the use of a pole). Also when using a pole, a catfolk can jump over a 10’ high wall or onto a 10’ high ledge. Suitable poles for jumping include: 10’ poles. Infravision Catfolk have infravision to 60’ After Reaching 9th Level A catfolk can establish a performance school, attracting 2d6 apprentices of 1st level. The apprentices will serve the character with some reliability; however, should any be arrested or killed, the character will not be able to attract apprentices to replace them. Catfolk Level Progression Saving Throws Level XP         HD     THAC0 D W P B S 1         0         1d6      19 [0]         10 11 11 13 14 2         1,750 2d6      19 [0]         10 11 11 13 14 3         3,500 3d6      19 [0]         10 11 11 13 14 4         7,000 4d6      17 [+2] 8 9 9 10 12 5         14,000 5d6      17 [+2] 8 9 9 10 12 6         28,000 6d6      17 [+2] 8 9 9 10 12 7         56,000 7d6      14 [+5] 6 7 8 8 10 8         112,000         8d6      14 [+5] 6 7 8 8 10 9         240,000         9d6      14 [+5] 6 7 8 8 10 10         360,000         9d6+2* 12 [+7] 4 5 6 5 8 * Modifiers from CON no longer apply. D: Death / poison; W: Wands;                                                                 P: Paralysis / petrify; B: Breath attacks;                                                                 S: Spells / rods / staves. Catfolk Skills Chance of Success Level CS FA PP TW 1         87 25 20 60 2         88 25 25 65 3         89 25 30 70 4         90 33 35 75 5         91 33 40 80 6         92 33 45 85 7         93 33 55 90 8         94 50 65 95 9         95 50 75 99 10         96 50 85 99

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Spy (New class)

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