Saturday, December 3, 2022

Minotaur (new class)

 In my homebrew world minotaurs are slavers and pirates who believe it is the right of the strong to dominate the weak. The demi-goddess Vyssini holds sway over minotaur culture, giving divine blessings to those who grow strong enough to make their mark on the world.

 The class below reflects my own take on minotaurs and fits in with the way they are represented within my world. Powerful warriors, minotaurs rarely live long lives given their preference for violence.


Requirements: Minimum CON 9

Prime requisite: STR

Hit Dice: 1d10

Maximum level: 8

Armour: Any, including shields

Weapons: Any

Languages: Alignment, Common, Minotaur


 Minotaurs may only be of chaotic alignment.

Divine Blessing

 At 3rd and 6th levels minotaurs gain a divine blessing from their deity. Roll a D8 and consult the table below to discover the blessing received.

Duplicate blessings: May be re-rolled if desired.

Deity disfavour:  Minotaurs must be faithful to the tenets of their alignment. Minotaurs who fall from favour with their deity lose and blessings and may incur further penalties.


 Due to their expertise with sea travel, minotaurs count as navigators and only get lost on the open sea on a 1-in-6.

Unarmed Combat

 In unarmed combat minotaur use their horns to do D6 damage.


 Any time a minotaur wishes (and has sufficient money) they may build or attempt to take over an existing stronghold. Other minotaurs will challenge the character for control of their stronghold any time they believe the ruler has shown weakness.

Minotaur Level Progression

                                                                    Saving Throws

Level XP         HD    THAC0 D W P  B   S

1         0         1d10 19 [0] 8  9 10 13 12

2         2,500 2d10 19 [0] 8  9 10 13 12

3         5,000 3d10 19 [0] 8  9 10 13 12

4         10,000 4d10 17 [+2] 6  7   8 10 10

5         20,000 5d10 17 [+2] 6  7   8 10 10

6         40,000 6d10 17 [+2] 6  7   8 10 10

7         80,000 7d10 14 [+5] 4  5   6   7   8

8         160,000         8d10 14 [+5] 4  5   6   7   8

                                                                        D: Death / poison; W: Wands;

                                                                        P: Paralysis / petrify; B: Breath attacks;

                                                                        S: Spells / rods / staves.

Divine Blessings

d8 Blessing

1 Cast Cause Light Wounds once a day.

2 Cast Cause Fear once a day.

3 Only surprised on a 1.

4 Gain a +2 bonus to saving throws against fire.

5 Gain a +1 to hit rolls with melee weapons.

6 Gain a +1 to damage rolls with melee weapons.

7 Gain a +1 to saving throws against petrification.

8 Gain a +1 initiative rolls if using the optional individual initiative rules.

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