Friday, January 13, 2023

Fat of the Lamb

By Jarred Willans & Jason Duff

Earl of Fife Games

OSE, 1st-3rd level 

Premise: You join up with an expedition to establish a new trading post out in a remote location.

What do we get here?

 Over 16 pages we get a wintry disaster.


 Rather than be an adventure this is a number of story beats along an adventure that you are supposed to figure out yourself from the suggestions included. Some how it still ends up being a railroad.

 The NPCs all lack personality which is a cardinal sin for an adventure supposed to be built on roleplay. Far too much of the adventure relies on skill rolls which is more fitting with 5E than OSE.

 I appreciate the set up however there are too many opportunities missed and it just feels like this adventure is being run in the wrong system entirely. Who burned down the storehouse? Why? Excellent opportunity for paranoia here that is completely squandered. 

 Also beware there is some content that could be uncomfortable for your players when it comes to the cannibalism and sexual harassment NPC.


   You need a remote cold location for this one. 


 I want Ice Station Zebra the adventure and this ain't it. Not what I would run in OSE and I'd want a more fleshed out version, pun intended, version to run in another system.

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