Friday, January 6, 2023

G1 - Steading of the Hill Giants

 By Gary Gygax


AD&D, level 9ish

Premise: Enter the stronghold of the Hill Giants and defeat them to stop them raiding local communities.

What do we get here?

 Over 13 pages we get two levels with roughly 55 keyed locations.


 Given this adventure dates way back to the beginning of time I had a rather large fear it would indulge in the worst excess of pillars of text.

 After reading through the adventure you find it is perfectly serviceable as is. Now it might not be the easiest adventure to use but you can do it. Sure some of the modern formatting would really help elevate the adventure, it is not needed though.

 A lot of what you expect is here, loops, interesting treasure, factions and various things to interact with. What you get is a location to interact with not just a bunch of meat bags to go harvest.

 One thing I especially like is the random table for giant bag contents, you can see the roots of the OSR here especially. 

 My only major quibbles are the maps should be up front. the same mistake so many modern adventures make, and it would help if some of the rooms referenced how they interacted with others a bit better. Without reading the whole thing first you would miss how the kitchens interact with the manticore room for example.

 It would also be nice to have a more complete summer of the secret bad guy stuff upfront for the DM.


   As long as you have civilisation and hill giants to annoy said civilisation you should be able to drop this into your world pretty easily. 


 A cleaned up/modernised version of this adventure would sure be nice, you can definitely run as is though.

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