Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Slaves to Fate


By Jason Duff

Earl of Fife Games

OSE, 1st-3rd level 

Premise: You are part of a party of slaves sent to work in a creepy forest.

What do we get here?

 Over 16 pages we get a number of scenes to play out.


 This adventure is supposed to serve as the set up for a larger campaign and although it is not explicit in the text I presume it is intended as a one shot to show "how the world got messed up".

 Despite being written for OSE this adventure has all the hallmarks of a 5E railroad. Players pretty much have no choice in what happens at any point. Escape plans in the camp are not allowed for example.

 The whole thing revolves around the GM's favourite player or their GM PC leading everyone along on their plan to cause a forever winter. If the PCs don't want to go along with it? Doesn't matter, they get corrupted just by being around the main character and have to go along with what they want.

 If the set up was not bad enough the pillars of text you have to get through are the final nail in the coffin. This thing is a chore to read through and the worst kind of rail road.

 I love a good wintry adventure and a prison break so this one is a major disappointment to me. The title of the adventure is a warning of the horror you are in store for.


   As long as you do not mind winter apocalypse-ing part of your setting you can drop this in any remote woodland. 


 No, I can only imagine this would as much of a chore to play through as it was to read.

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