Sunday, February 5, 2023

Bird of a Feather

By Zach Galzar & John Hammerle

Lesser Gnome

B/X games, levels 3-4

Premise: A village wants brave hunters to go kill a dangerous bird.

What do we get here?

  Over 21 pages we get a five points of interest and a 6 room dungeon.



 A lot of effort has been put into cross linking the content in this adventure and the writing. Unfortunately nearly all the effort in the writing is in florid text only the referee will ever have to read. 

 Getting through this adventure is a real chore, it is a 5 or 6 page adventure split over 21 pages. There is a huge backstory that the writers even admits is unnecessary. When we finally get to the adventure itself it is pretty bog standard stuff with no real theme about it.

 I appreciate the effort to attempt to create some unique magic items however some of them are a bit crass. 

 You can see what they are going for but this just is not fun and the writing doesn't carry it.


   Yeah, sure it is designed as a drop in adventure so it is pretty portable.


 A chore to read through and not inspiring to want to play. That's a no.

Available on drive thru.

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