Saturday, February 11, 2023

Herbalist (new class)

 Do you enjoy picking flowers and making magic potions? Then this is the class for you, something that might fit well in a Dolmenwood campaign or any other game with a wilderness focus.


Requirements: None

Prime requisite: WIS

Hit Dice: 1d4

Maximum level: 14

Armour: Leather,including shields

Weapons: Any

Languages: Alignment, Common

Cure Poison

In the wilderness, a herbalist can gather herbs to concoct an antidote to natural poisons. This takes one turn per character to be cured. Each subject may make a second save versus poison to end the effects.


A herbalist has the power to create a healing salve. This may be used once per day per level of the herbalist and cures 1d3hp.

Herbalist skills

Herbalists can use the following skills, with the chance of success shown below:

▶ Forage (FO): A herbalist may forage for enough food for 1d6 human sized beings.

▶ Identify plant (IP): A herbalist may attempt to identify any plant life they come across. Failed checks may not be retried until the herbalist has gained a level.

▶ Locate Plant (LP): A herbalist may spend 1 turn attempting to find a specific type of plant if it exists within the current area. Failed checks may be retried if the herbalist is willing to spend the additional time. 

▶ Predict Weather (PW): A herbalist gains accurate knowledge of the weather within 1 mile for the next 12 hours. Failed checks may not be retried.


In woodland cover, a herbalist can hide with a 90% chance of success.

Magical potions

Magical research: A herbalist of any level may spend time and money on magical research. This allows them to invent new types of magical potions and to research potential new ingredients for magical potions. A herbalist of any level is able to create magical potions with the right investment of time, money and special ingredients.

After Reaching 9th Level

 Upon reaching 9th level a herbalist may establish a herbalists guild attracting 2d4 herbalists as apprentices.

Herbalist Level Progression

As a thief.

Herbalist Skills Chance of Success

Level FO IP LP PW 

1         75  30 20  20

2         80  35 23  23

3         83  40 25  25

4         85  45 26  26

5         87  50 35  35

6         90  55 45  45

7         92  60 55  55

8         93  65 65  65

9         94  70 70  70

10         95  75 75  75

11         96  80 80  80

12         97  85 85  85

13         98  90 90  90

14         99  95 95  95

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