Sunday, March 5, 2023

The Search for the Temple of the Golden Spire

By Barney Sloane

Games Workshop

AD&D, 2nd-4th level

Premise: As the party arrives in a near abandoned village magical runes show a poem on a stone cross.

What do we get here?

  Over 4 pages in White Dwarf 22 we get a hex map and two major adventure sites



 Expecting players to solve a riddle to find the adventure is a bit of a dicey proposition, if they can't figure it out then just no adventure?

 The writing is pretty good for the most part. Things are kept to a minimum which is good even if it does tend towards a little bit of a lack of flavour in places. You actually get a lot of content in two pages thanks to the brevity. 

 Of the two major adventure sites, both have decent maps although I prefer the castle one that is a really nice little map. The writing of the kobold castle is the better of the two in my opinion, some of the locations in the castle are one of the places that some flavour actually comes through in the adventure. 

 The starting village could do with punching up a bit as could some of the magic items which are a bit bland. 

For the most part you can run as is and won't have too many problems.


   You should be able to drop in any forested region fairly easily.


 A decent little adventure that can be easily run even if it lacks a little in personality. I would definitely steal the kobold castle if I needed one.

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