Saturday, August 26, 2023

Paladin of Winter (New Class)

 For your paladins who venerate a god or goddess of winter.

 Paladin of Winter


*Energy Resistance: A paladin of winter has +2 bonus to saving throws against cold or similar. 


*Holy Resistance


*Warhorse: A paladin of winter of 4th level or higher may summon a holy charger - a giant wolf with AC 5 [14], 5+5 HD and a movement rate of 180's (60'). If the dire wolf dies, another may not be summoned for 10 years.

Saturday, August 19, 2023

Paladin of Light (New Class)

 For your paladins who venerate a god or goddess of light.

 Paladin of Light


*Protection against Darkness: A paladin of light has +1 to AC when fighting creatures who are sensitive to sunlight or are made of darkness or shadow. 


*Holy Resistance


*Turn Undead: Using the turn undead table instead of undead a paladin of light may turn  or destroy any creatures made of darkness such as shadows or shades. A paladin of light may also turn but not destroy creatures sensitive to light.

Saturday, August 12, 2023

Sage (New class)

 Taking inspiration from this video and this blog post here is a sage class which has its roots all the way back in Blackmoor. Possibly better suited as a class for a retainer or NPC than a PC. A companion piece to my previous merchant class.


Requirements: None

Prime requisite: INT

Hit Dice: 1d4

Maximum level: 14

Armour: no armour or shields

Weapons: Dagger, sling, staff

Languages: Alignment, Common

Arcane Magic

Spell casting: Sages carry spell books containing the formulae for arcane spells. The spell casting chart (below) shows both the number of spells in the sage’s spell book and the number they may memorize, determined by the character’s experience level. Sages use the same spell list as the magic user with the restriction that they can not cast spells that directly cause damage.

Using magic items: As spell casters, from 4th level onwards sages are able to use magic scrolls of spells on their spell list. They can also use wands that do not directly cause damage.


Sages gain new languages in the same manner as a bard of the same level.


As per the bard ability.

After Reaching 12th Level

 Upon reaching 12th level a sage may found a library, museum, university or other place of learning attracting 4d4 level one sages as apprentices.

Sage Level Progression

                                                                                Saving Throws Spells

Level XP         HD            THAC0 D W P B S 1  2

1         0         1d4           19 [0] 13 14 13 16 15 -   -

2         1,500 2d4           19 [0] 13 14 13 16 15 -   -

3         3,000 3d4           19 [0] 13 14 13 16 15 -   -

4         6,000 4d4           19 [0] 13 14 13 16 15 1  -

5         12,000 5d4           17 [+2]         12 13 11 14 13 1  -

6         24,000 6d4           17 [+2]         12 13 11 14 13 2  -

7         48,000 7d4           17 [+2]         12 13 11 14 13 2  -

8         96,000 8d4           17 [+2]         12 13 11 14 13 3  1

9         200,000         9d4           14 [+5]         10 11 9 12 10         3  1

10         320,000         9d4+2*       14 [+5] 10 11 9 12 10         4  2

11         440,000         9d4+4*       14 [+5] 10 11 9 12 10         4  2

12         560,000         9d4+6*       14 [+5] 10 11 9 12 10         4  3

13         680,000         9d4+8*       12 [+7]   8 9 7 10 8         4  3

14         800,000         9d4+10*     12 [+7]   8 9 7 10 8         4  4

* Modifiers from CON no longer apply. D: Death / poison; W: Wands;

                                                                P: Paralysis / petrify; B: Breath attacks;

                                                                 S: Spells / rods / staves.

Saturday, August 5, 2023

Paladin of the Storm Lord (new class)

 I've previously made an alternate cleric for followers of the storm lord, here is one paladins of the storm lord.

Paladin (Storm God)


*Energy Resistance: +2 bonus to saving throws against electricity (lightning).

*Predict Weather: Once per day gains knowledge of weather for the next 24 hours within a range of one mile per level. 


*Holy Resistance.

*Turn Undead.

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Shadowdancer for Shadowdark (new class)

 I have started poking around with shadowdark classes a bit so here is the first draft of a shadowdancer class for shadowdark.


Rogues who have been touched by the darkness of the shadow plane.

Weapons: Club, crossbow, dagger, shortbow, shortsword.

Armor: Leather armor

Hit Dice: 1d4

Languages: You know shadow speech.

Shadow step. Using an Intelligence check DC15 you can shadow step from one patch of shadows to another that you can see within range far. 

 If you fail, you are unable to use this ability again until you complete a long rest.

Shadowstrike. You gain plus one damage dice when attacking from shadows against an unaware opponent.

Shadow touched. Shadow is your friend, clinging to your form.

 You have advantage on ability checks to sneak and hide.

Shadowdancer Talents

2d6                                 Effect

2         Gain adv on shadow step rolls (reroll if duplicate)

3-5         Your Shadowstrike deals +1 dice of damage

6-9         +2 to Strength, Dexterity or Intelligence score.

10-11 +1 to melee and ranged attacks

12            Choose one from the table

Spy (New class)

 A new class that might work best for NPCs, the spy! This is first draft material. Spy Requirements: Minimum CHA 9, DEX 9 Prime requisite: ...