Saturday, September 30, 2023

Cleric of the forge (new class)

 Lets tweak the cleric for a cleric who venerates the god of the forge!

Cleric of the Forge


*Requirements: Minimum strength 9

*Lore: 2-in-6 chance to know lore, nature and abilities of magic weapons and armor.


*Turn Undead: Command Constructs as per the same rules for Chaos Knight in CC#0

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Mutant (new class)

 Shadowdark does not do the whole race as class thing however I want a mutant class for my Morbus setting so here we are. A first draft of a mutant class for Shadowdark


 Twisted by corrupting nature of the wilds, mutants live banished in the very places that caused them to be cast out.

 Weapons: Any single handed melee weapons, all missile weapons

 Armor:  Leather armor, shields

 Hit Dice: D6

 Exile. When in the wilderness you have advantage on checks to find food and advantage on checks to be stealthy.

 Changed. You make one roll on the mutation table when creating your character.

 Mutant Talents

2d6         Talent

2         Roll hit points with advantage (re-roll if duplicate)

3-6         Roll a mutation

7-9         +1 to melee attacks or +2 to any stat

10-11 Roll two mutations and pick the one you prefer.

12         Choose an option or +2 points to distribute to stats.


D12 Mutation         Details

1         Gills                        You can breathe underwater

2         Pseudo-wings 1/day you can fly for 1d4 rounds

3         Scales You have +2 to your AC

4         Beast ears You have advantage on all checks to hear.

5         Horn An extra d6 damage in melee.

6         Tail         Advantage on all balance based checks, can pick up small objects

7         Tentacle         Can grab objects up to near distance away.

8         Beast nose Can smell all living creatures within distance far.

9         Claws 1d6 unarmed attack damage, advantage on all climbing checks

10         Beast eyes Advantage on all sight based checks.

11         Third eye         3/day can detect magic.

12         Beast legs Can move double near, advantage on all jumping checks.

Saturday, September 23, 2023

Paladin of Harvest (New Class)

 It is that time of year when farmers are bringing in the harvests so why not a paladin dedicated to the god or goddess of harvests? 

Paladin of Harvest


* Purify food/water once a day

* Create food once per week.


* Turn Undead

* Holy Resistance


* War horse to Draft horse

Friday, September 22, 2023

Plaguemancer (new class)

Expanding on something I wrote for Dungeon Vault Magazine back in issue 32 this is a new class for Shadowdark with its own spell list. This is a class that might go with a whole setting I am considering putting together.

If I am feeling productive twice in one week there might also be an Old School Essentials/B/X version of this class as well but don't hold your breath on that one.


 Indulgers of hubris who seek to bend the pestilences of the world to their own will in the search for power.

Weapons: Club, Mace, Staff or Warhammer.

Armor: Leather armor, shields.

Hit Dice: D6

Languages: You know Diabolic.

Turn Diseased. You know the Turn Diseased spell.

Master. You draw your power from one of the demon princes of the unclean world. Plaguemancers who offend or fail to follow the demands of their master not only lose their abilities but may also face further punishment.

Spellcasting. You can cast Plaguemancer spells you know.

Plaguemancers gain spells at the same rate as a cleric of equivalent level.

 You use your Constitution score to cast plaguemancer spells. The DC is 10 + the spell’s tier. If you fail a spellcasting check, you can’t cast that spell again until you complete a long rest.

Plaguemancer Talents

2d6         Effect

2         Gain advantage on casting one spell you know

3-6         +1 to melee attacks

7-9         +1 to plaguemancer spellcasting checks

10-11 +2 to Constitution score or +1 to any two other scores

12         Choose one option from the table

Plaguemancer titles

Level Lawful Chaotic         Neutral

1-2         Tainted Unclean         Moulder

3-4         Bearer Leech Rotbringer

5-6         Host                        Corruptor         Putrifier

7-8         Outcast         Defiler Despoiler

9-10         Forsaken         Plaguefather Master of decay


Tier 1

Chattering Children

Conduit of Corruption

Detect Disease

Protection from Disease

Putrefy Food and Water

Turn Diseased

Tier 2

Aura of Sickness


Cloud of Stench


Fever Spike

Mass of Maggots

Tier 3

Bile Spray

Cloak of Flies

Command Sick


Mind Worm

Mold Touch

Tier 4


Dark Communion

Drain Life

Plague Curse


Unclean Wings

Tier 5

Destroy Food



Insect Plague

Writhing Agony


Aura of Sickness

Tier 2

Duration: Focus

Range: Close

A feeling of ill health permeates around you. Creatures in range have a -2 penalty to attack you.


Tier 2

Duration: 5 rounds

Range: Touch

One creature you touch gains disadvantage on one ability check or attack roll of your choice during the duration of the spell. After that, the spell ends.

Bile Spray

Tier 3, wizard

Duration: Instant

Range: Close

Consuming the moldy bread causes you to spew forth a torrent of bile, pus and maggots. 

Creatures in the area who have fewer hit dice than your level lose their turn, gagging and attempting to clean themselves.


Tier 4

Duration: Instant

Range: Touch

Destroys plants or plant based creatures with lower HD than you.

Chattering Children

Tier 1

Duration: 1 hour

Range: Self

Swallowing a handful of fly larvae you regurgitate them as a swarm of buzzing flies that will carry a single message of up to twenty five words. The flies will travel a distance of up to five miles over an hour then fall dead to the floor if they have not found the recipient in that time.

Cloak of Flies

Tier 3

Duration: 10 rounds

Range: Close

 Buzzing flies swarm around you, obscuring you and any allies from the view of others.

Cloud of Stench

Tier 2

Duration: 5 rounds

Range: Far

 A near-sized cloud of stench apporates into existence. A creature inside the cloud must make a Constitution check or spend their turn retreating.

Command Sick

Tier 3

Duration: Instant

Range: Far

 Infected, sick or diseased creatures in range must follow your commands. You can command creatures whose hit dice are less than or equal to half your level rounded down (minimum 1).

Conduit of Corruption

Tier 1

Duration: Focus

Range: Touch

 You absorb the disease or sickness of the creature touched without suffering any of the effects and you may pass the disease on to another creature you touch if they fail a constitution check against your spellcasting check. 

 If your focus is broken and the spell ends while the disease still inhabits your body then you are now afflicted with the disease.

Dark Communion

Tier 4

Duration: Instant

Range: Self

 Beseeching your master for assistance you may ask three questions. The GM will answer “Yes” or “No” based on your master's desires.


Tier 2

Duration: Instant

Range: Touch

 One item made of natural materials such as wood or leather quickly decays to the point of failure. The item may be no larger than a single door

Destroy Food

Tier 5

Duration: Instant

All food within range is destroyed or rendered inedible.

Detect Disease

Tier 1

Duration: Focus

Range: Near

 You can sense if creatures in range are infected by sickness or disease, if so by which maladies and how they might be cured.


Tier 3

Duration: Instant

Range: Far

 One creature you can see is infected with a disease of your choice.

Drain Life

Tier 4

Duration: Instant

Range: Touch

 You siphon 2d6 points from a creature you touch, harming them and healing yourself.

Fever Spike

Tier 2

Duration: Instant

Range: Close

 You cause the temperature in the body of a creature to rise dramatically. It takes 1d6 damage.


Tier 5

Duration: 10 rounds

Range: Far

Within a near-sized circle no creature may gain the benefit of any healing for the duration of the spell.


Tier 5

Duration: Instant

Range: Far

All creatures you can see within range are infected by a disease of your choice.

Insect Plague

Tier 5

Duration: Concentration

Range: Far

 When cast above ground a plague of insects descends on a location of your choice. You can move the swarm and see through their eyes. Creatures of level 2 or less are driven away, any spellcasting checks made inside a swarm are done so at disadvantage.

Mass of Maggots

Tier 2

Duration: 10 rounds

Range: Self

 Squashing a putrid maggot between your fingers you and your gear turn into a swarm of wriggling maggots for the spell’s duration.

 You can move and pass through any gap a maggot could. You can sense the terrain and any movement around you out to a near distance.

You can’t cast spells while in this form.

Mind Worm

Tier 3

Duration: Instant

Range: Touch

 You place a worm so it can wriggle inside the ear of a living being. The spell has the same effect and stipulations as the Speak With Dead spell.

Mold Touch

Tier 3

Duration: Instant

Range: Close

You blow spores into the face of a creature causing 1d6 damage and blinding them until they succeed on a Constitution check opposed by your spellcasting check.

Plague Curse

Tier 4

Duration: Instant

Range: Touch

One creature you touch unknowingly becomes the carrier of a disease of your choice. They will infect 2d6 people before succumbing to the disease themselves.

Protection from Disease

Tier 1

Duration: Focus

Range: Self

 For the spell’s duration, all infected, sick or diseased creatures have disadvantage on attack rolls and hostile spellcasting checks against you.

Putrefy Food and Water

Tier 1

Duration: Instant

Range: Close

Either 6 quarts of liquid, one ration or unpreserved food sufficient in quantity for 12 people is putrefied.


Tier 4

Duration: 5 rounds

Range: Far

A swarm of bugs erupts from the ground engulfing creatures in a near-sized cube. Creatures in the cube must succeed on a Dexterity check opposed by a spell casting check to free themselves.

Turn Infected

Tier 1

Duration: Instant

Range: Far

 Works as the Turn Undead spell except on infected, diseased or sick creatures.

Unclean Wings

Tier 4

Duration: Focus

Range: Self

 Foul wings sprout from your back. You can fly a close distance each round and can hover in place.

Writhing Agony

Tier 5

Duration: 5 rounds

Range: Close

A creature whose hit dice are less than or equal to your level writhes in agony, they are unable to move or act for the duration of the spell.


Tier 5

Duration: Instant

Range: Touch

 You touch a living creature aging it to within the final years of its life reducing it to one hit dice. This spell may only be case on creatures whose hit dice are less than or equal to your level.

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Paladin of the Trickster (New class)

 A tweak to the paladin class for a paladin of the trickster god.

Paladin of the Trickster


*Minimum DEX 9

*Full set of thieves skills


*Armour: Leather, shields allowed


*Turn Undead

Saturday, September 9, 2023

Paladin of Knowledge (new class)

 A simple one this week, a paladin tweak for your paladins of the knowing mistress.

Paladin of Knowledge (new class)


*Lore: As per bard

*Read languages: As per thief 


*Holy Resistance

*Turn Undead

Saturday, September 2, 2023

Paladin of Magic (new class)

 Does your paladin worship the god or goddess or magic? Here is a tweaked class for you.

Paladin of Magic 


* Minimum INT 9

* Arcane Magic: From 9th level a paladin of magic may cast arcane spells from the magic user list. The number and level of spells is the same as a regular paladin. 

*Detect Magic: Once per day a paladin of magic may detect magic as per the magic user spell.

*Read Magic: Once per day a paladin of magic may read magic as per the magic user spell.


*Divine Magic

*Holy Resistance

*Lay on Hands

*Turn Undead


*Hit Dice: A paladin of magic has a d6 hit dice instead of d8

*Holy symbol - A paladin of magic requires a spell book which counts as their holy symbol.

Spy (New class)

 A new class that might work best for NPCs, the spy! This is first draft material. Spy Requirements: Minimum CHA 9, DEX 9 Prime requisite: ...