Saturday, September 2, 2023

Paladin of Magic (new class)

 Does your paladin worship the god or goddess or magic? Here is a tweaked class for you.

Paladin of Magic 


* Minimum INT 9

* Arcane Magic: From 9th level a paladin of magic may cast arcane spells from the magic user list. The number and level of spells is the same as a regular paladin. 

*Detect Magic: Once per day a paladin of magic may detect magic as per the magic user spell.

*Read Magic: Once per day a paladin of magic may read magic as per the magic user spell.


*Divine Magic

*Holy Resistance

*Lay on Hands

*Turn Undead


*Hit Dice: A paladin of magic has a d6 hit dice instead of d8

*Holy symbol - A paladin of magic requires a spell book which counts as their holy symbol.

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