Saturday, March 2, 2024

Carousing in a dwarf hold

Each location should have a unique carousing table to give a flavour of the place. Here is what happens when you go carousing in a dwarf hold as a non-dwarf or a dwarf. 

Dwarfs enjoy their drink providing many unique opportunities for carousing in a dwarf hold. When carousing, roll a d10 with a bonus +1 for 100gp spent, +2 for 300gp spent, +3 for 500gp spent and +4 for 1000gp spent.

Non-dwarf carousing table


Exile: Such was your drunken mishaps you have been kicked out of the entire hold and barred from returning.


Jail: You wake up in the cells of the hold guard.  1 = trial pending, 2-5 = fined 8d20 gp, 6 = released once you sober up.


Gambling loss: in your drunken state you thought you could beat the dwarfs at their own game and lost heavily, you lost 5d20 gp but are welcome back to the game any time.


Safe in bed: Somehow you made it back to bed safely, you woke up with a raging hangover but at least achieved the grudging respect of the dwarf bar keep.. 


Grudge: You upset someone last night and they are not quick to forget. Roll a d6; 1 = non-dwarf traveller, 2 = local bureaucrat, 3 = the bouncer, 4 = the local guard, 5 = dwarf merchant, 6 = a dwarf of local renown.


Recruited: You wake up in the company of thirteen dwarfs who claim you agreed to help them in their latest venture.


Penitence: While you clearly put your foot in your mouth last night a local dwarf cleric stepped in to smooth things over, you owe them a debt of gratitude.


Local Knowledge: You fell in drinking with some off duty members of the hold guard, they showed you round the city and you now know the place like a local.


Treasure Map: A dwarf you were drinking with told you a tall tale and sold you a map to treasure (10gp). 


Made a friend: You stepped in to save a dwarf from a group of drunken non-dwarfs.  1 = dwarf cleric, 2 = merchant, 3 = runesmith, 4 = noble, 5 = miner, 6 = engineer. 


Blueprint: A member of the engineers guild entrusted you with the blueprint to their breakthrough invention then disappeared.


Mercenaries: You spent the evening drinking with a company of dwarf mercenaries, learning their songs and swapping stories. You can hire them for a d20+10% discount.


Retainer: Your drunken boasts impressed a dwarf who has taken the slayer oath, they think you are just the reckless sort to help them find a worthy death in combat.


Travelling companion: When you mentioned your next destination one of your new drinking buddies decided to travel with you as they are headed to the same area. 1 = Battle chanter, 2 = Blaster, 3 = Dwarf Cleric 4 = Shield Warrior, 5 = Wayfinder, 6 = Thane’s Guard.

Dwarf carousing table


Slayer oath: You have shamed yourself and your ancestors during your debauchery, the only thing left to do is take the slayer oath and try to redeem yourself.


Jail: You wake up in the cells of the hold guard. 1 = trial pending, 2-4 = fined 4d20 gold, 5-6 = released once you sober up.


Barred: The ruckus you caused last night involved so much damage you are no longer welcome at your favourite drinking establishment.


Gambling: A long gamblin session has left you with a hangover and some bruises. 1-4 = down 5d20 gp, 5-6 = up 7d20gp


Champion: You took on all comers in a game of skill defeating all till you finally passed out. The barkeep gives you a 20% discount on drinks until someone defeats you.


Grudge: You upset someone last night and they are not quick to forget. 1 = non-dwarf traveller, 2 = local bureaucrat, 3 = the bouncer, 4 = the local guard, 5 = dwarf merchant, 6 = a dwarf of local renown.


Defend a merchant: You stepped in to protect a merchant from aggressive outsiders. 1-2 = they give you a 30% discount, 3-5 = give you a gift,6 = share a secret


Treasure Map: A dwarf you were drinking with told you a tall tale and gave you a map to treasure. 


Mercenaries: You spent the evening drinking with a company of dwarf mercenaries, learning their songs and swapping stories. You can hire them for a d20+15% discount.


Clan mate: You bump into a clan mate looking for adventure, gain a retainer. 1 = battle chanter, 2 = blaster, 3 = dwarf, 4 = shield warrior, 5 = slayer, 6 = wayfinder.


Lost power: An ageing runesmith you spend the night drinking with tells the rumoured location of a long lost rune. 1 = apprentice rune, 2-3 = rune, 4-5 = master rune, 6 = forbidden rune.


Orders: Through your drunken boasts the local thane has heard of your prowess and requests an audience with you to assign you a mission for the good of the hold.


Romance: Through drinking, dancing and fighting you have drawn the eye of one of the thane’s heirs and the eire of other would be suitors.


Ancestor’s call: Deep into your cups you see a vision of one of your ancestors who imparts upon you a quest of greatest importance.

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