Thursday, August 18, 2022

AJ1 Fugitive


By Alex Johnson

Self Published

Basic Levels 1-3

Premise: An evil cleric has broken out of a village jail and it is on the PCs to catch him.

What do we get here?

 Eleven pages detail six encounters of a short adventure. Added in at the end are a few examples of curses however they may not even come up in the adventure.


 I like that the adventure gives you all the XP totals up front and gives you different monster options for combat encounters so there is some flexibility in the product.

 Unfortunately the adventure is just blocks of text in paragraphs that could have been better broken up and bolded to make it easier to pick out information on the fly. There is a real lack of hook for the adventure, it is designed so the adventure could well be dropped into any village the PCs are passing through but there are no rewards and little incentive for them to get involved as written. Some NPCs in the starting village with some personality might have been a good start for hooking the players in.

 To go along with the lack of rewards the adventure is a railroad and the bad guy is supposed to get away at the end making the whole thing pretty unsatisfying all round.


 There is nothing stopping you from plopping this adventure down anywhere. I suppose you could run this easily as a convention game, that would probably be the main use for it.


 I would not bother with running this one, it does not have anything you can not come up with on your own and has nothing to really recommend it on. The adventure is short and free so easy for you to scope out and make up your own mind on.

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