Thursday, August 18, 2022

The Pearl of Pirates' Cove

By RC Pinell

Basic 1st level

Premise: A bunch of caves that used to be used by pirates are now haunted, go raid them or something.


What do we get here?

Wanting to be B1 this is a 25 page adventure that covers two levels of a dungeon with about 42 locations.


To start with there a page full of long paragraphs detailing the backstory of the adventure in prose which is just annoying to hack through if you are planning to run the adventure. Then we get a set of rumours and advise to let the players pick information from the tavern in town although we get precious little information about the town and provided with no NPCs. “Just make it up” the author says, if we wanted to make it up would we be using a premade adventure?

Once you get through the preamble you are told that you have to read the whole adventure then go back and stock it with monsters and treasure yourself. There is a list of generic monsters and treasure provided for your homework assignment which is not cutting down anyone's prep time really.

This whole thing is a chore to slog through and a chore to prep. Even the author gets bored and gives up on labelling rooms as we are told XX-XXXI are just natural caves with nothing in them.


In favour of the adventure is that you can easily plug into any world or location, mostly because it comes with nothing to hang it's hat on. The most we get in terms of flavour is the local town being called Bottom-Jam which just, really?


There is no way I would recommend this adventure, it is more interested in telling you what alignment characters you should allow rather than actually making it easy for you to run an adventure.

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