Thursday, August 25, 2022

Fall of White Cliff


By Ben Gibson

Cold Light Press

Pathfinder 1e levels 1-4

Premise: Characters wake up in the prison of an evil Castellan, can they escape and stop his plans?

What do we get here?

 Spread over 20 pages are 7 different dungeons, a short region gazetteer and a number of detailed locations make up a small sandbox adventure.


 Nearly everything you need to run a session or dungeon is contained on one page. Occasionally things get a little busy and hard to follow however overall this a really impressively put together product.

 Another editing pass would not go amiss and some of the paragraphs could have been bullet pointed with attempts made to highlight key information. For the most part the writing is decent, easy to use and to the point.

 Some times it would have helped to have a little bit more to tie the different locations together or point you to the next part of the adventure, this a sandbox though so partly you will be guided by where the players want to go.


 There is nothing too specific in the adventure to tie it to any setting or location. You might have to massage things a bit with some of the cults included to make it fit your particular world and it will need to be put in a remote region so there are not larger powers that be coming in to deal with things.

 Realistically as this is specifically a starting adventure you could take as is and build out rather than put it in an existing campaign or world.

 There is some lip service paid to converting this adventure to either 5E or an OSR system however I think you would mostly have to do that yourself rather than rely on the adventure to do it for you.


 This is a pay what you want adventure so you are getting a ton of really useful content for free here. As is this is perfectly easy to run but I would love to see a slightly cleaned up premium product of this adventure. I am interested to see what else Ben Gibson has out there now.

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