Monday, August 22, 2022

Treaty of the Tiger King


By Kelsey Dionne

The Arcane Library

5E levels 1-3

Premise: The King of a Barbarian tribe comes to a port city to negotiate a peace deal with the merchants guild who has been pillaging his people's land.

What do we get here?

 Over 18 pages we get an adventure designed to last one session (session lengths may vary). The adventure is roughly seven scenes in length although you could fit in a bit more.


 As with all Kelsey Dionne's adventures this is designed with ease of use in mind. Links to everything you need along with cards you can print out for foes, maps and treasure(not much of that on offer here sadly). The writing is clear for the most part so you should be able to run the adventure reading it one page at a time.

 There are some fun little tables to spice up a few of the scenes which is a really nice addition. I also like the use what are essentially skills challenges and moral checks for combat, something which you rarely see in 5E adventures.


 It should be fairly easy to file the names off and slot this adventure into any port city in the average setting. I know where I would fit this into my own world easily. You should be able to drop this in any time your players pass through the docks of a city. If you have a campaign planned out you could also seed a few rumours to foreshadow this adventure earlier on in your campaign.


 Players get a lot of freedom to come up with solutions to the challenges presented in scenes however those scenes are pretty set in stone. If you are players are going to want to go off and hunt down the source of the assassins this adventure is going to come off the rails pretty quickly. 

 In my opinion this is a fun little adventure, I would have actually liked to have seen it expanded a bit more. For example the NPCs in the scene where the players can earn some rep do not seem to be of important enough stature or tied to the scenario particularly.

 I could definitely see dropping this into a campaign as a one shot or using it to kick off a major arc exploring the King's lands. Just make sure your players know this is more of a social adventure so things do not go too far off the rails.

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