Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Red Mound


 By Gabor Lux

First Hungarian d20 society

Advanced levels ?

 Premise: A red mound serves as a burial tomb, sacred spot and way point for travellers.

What do we get here?

Coming in at just three pages this small adventure site has eight keyed locations.  This is the second adventure of three in the first issue of Echoes from Fomalhaut, I previously looked at one of the other adventures in this issue here.


 Due to being an entry in a zine this is not the fanciest laid out adventure you will ever come across however it is easy enough to follow. The use of paragraphs and bolding make the adventure easy to scan as well as pick out key information.

 About the only thing you need to provide yourself might be stats for the local barbarians (called red men here), that should be easy enough to fish up yourself, otherwise all monster stats are provided.

 The map is a simple one that is easy to understand even if it lacks a scale.


 It would be very easy to reskin and drop this adventure into any setting or campaign. All you need is some barbarians or barbarian adjacent people and a rocky area. Substituting in your own names or lore is easy.


 If you are looking for a full fledged adventure obviously this is not going to be it at three pages. What this is designed to be is either a diversion during travel in a longer adventure, something you can drop in a hex to populate it or the kick off point for an adventure. 

 Both the location and the major magic item it comes with have hooks for going further. There is a portal that leads to an undefined location and the magic item that comes with some unusual curses for whoever picks it up to wrestle with.

 All in all a useful bit of content to plug and play. 


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