Monday, October 31, 2022

Vacant Snow Castle


By Peter Fornes

One page dungeon contest 2022

No system or level given.

Premise: A cyclopean castle built of snow. A thousand feet wide and spires a thousand feet tall.

A giant gate of solid ice. There's a gap to crawl through underneath.

No signs of life inside. Is no one home?

What do we get here?

 A single page gives us 12 keyed locations to explore.


 I really like that this adventure opens with four different hooks. Too many long form adventures skimp on this so if a one page can give good variety of reasons to runs this adventure then others have no excuse.

 About the only thing missing from this adventure is some explicit form of faction play. There is a good area you can explore any way you choose, some interesting magic items to be found, stuff to poke and monster stats included (as much as they can be in a systemless adventure anyway).

 There is not a lot of text but just enough to point you in the right direction for improvising descriptions of the various rooms. The writer gives some good tips on how to create a sense of wonder that this adventure should have.

 I really like this one and am impressed how much is on the page with so few words.

 You might want to tweak the number of snow giants and how they react based on the number of characters you have and their level. Also be prepared to come up with a reason why this snow castle appeared as none is given.


  You will need a snowy type set up and to be a bit rural to run this one however as long as you have that it is an easy drop in.


 Solid recommend on this one. You can run as is or easily expand it out. I am definitely considering where I could put this in a hex crawl.

PWYW for the whole collection on gumroad or stump up cash on drivethru.

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