Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Hunck's Hobby


By Colin Lammie

One page dungeon contest 2022

No system or level given.

Premise: Stumbling through the woods the characters find respite at a campfire and cabin with two gnomes, or do they?

What do we get here?

 A single page gives us about three or four locations.


  If you ever wanted to play that scene in The Road where they find a bunch of people being kept for food then you found the thing for it.

 To be honest the writing is not great here, the details are not connected clearly enough for the referee to run the adventure it gets a little confusing in places as to who the NPCs are exactly. Some of the sample dialogue for Hunck is pretty nice in terms of helping you grok his character.

 All in all this is a voyage into the macabre that needs unpicking more to be able to run.


   As long as you don't mind the macabre at your table I suppose this is fairly portable. 


 I think it needs expanding a bit to run and will definitely not fit at every table given the subject matter.

PWYW for the whole collection on gumroad or stump up cash on drivethru.

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