Sunday, January 29, 2023

100 Bushels of Rye

By Garry Hamlin & Randolph L Strommen

Columbia Games Inc


Premise: The players must investigate the violence at Loban manor and Amba mine, and then if possible solve the mystery.

What do we get here?

  Over 30 pages we get an adventure and a location.



 Describing one of the major locations the players will want to visit as "a fine time waster" does not bode well for an adventure.

 Like most Harn adventures this one starts out with a lot of grounding, granular details however they do not add up to a huge amount here. What we end up with is a pretty standard monster killing people type adventure.

 The lair is pretty decent with a nice little abandoned dwarven forge which is actually where the interesting treasure is. 

 Writing and formatting are not really up to modern standards, you could probably knock this adventure out in about a third of the word count and make it much easier to run in the process. 

 There are a few hook options however they are mostly "ordered by a local lord" type thing. The peasants on the border of revolt are a nice little touch that adds a hint of faction play to the adventure, something you could spice up a bit on your own.



   Any sufficiently "on the edge of civilisation" region should do for this adventure. The fact there might only be one combat encounter means this might not work for some systems.


 With a bit of a re-write I could see this one being plenty fun to run, possibly even a decent situation for wandering parties to stumble into. Playing up the fears of the local populace and the anger of the lord should create some more atmosphere. I think a different monster might make things more interesting too if you substitute something in a bit more spooky or devilish.

  On drive thru for $20 so obviously no way I can recommend at that price.

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