Sunday, January 8, 2023

G2 - Glacial Rift of the Frost Giant Jarl

By Gary Gygax


AD&D, level 9ish

Premise: Enter the lair of the Frost Giants to figure out how they are tied up with the Hill Giants..

What do we get here?

 Over 13 pages we get two levels with roughly 50 keyed locations.


 Much of what can be said about G1 holds true for G2 as well. There are good loops, decent treasure and I would much prefer the maps upfront. I like that the glacial weather is really brought to life through the mechanics, a nice addition that adds something different from G1.

 Where I feel this one falls short compared to its predecessor is that the faction play is not as clear or strong here. There are various parties present in the location however they are nearly all in league with the main enemy anyway.

 I feel this one falls just a notch below the previous adventure, it needs a little something extra to elevate it from being just the halls of the frost giants. G1 was the Hill Giant strong hold plus the weird stuff below it.



   Any glacial region should be good for dropping this location into. 


 Still a perfectly good adventure even if it lacks a little of the magic of G1.

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