Monday, January 9, 2023

G3: Hall of the Fire Giant King

By Gary Gygax


AD&D, level 9ish

Premise: Finishing up the trilogy that is the G series of modules the characters take on the home of the Fire Giants.

What do we get here?

 Over 22 pages we get three levels with roughly 62 keyed locations.


 Finally the maps for the adventure have been moved upfront! Hurrah for improvement!

Right off the bat I think Gygax misses a trick by explicitly saying there are no alternate entrances to the dungeon, especially with the topography he describes. I think it is fair to assume players might explore this option and that they should have a reasonable chance of finding an alternate entrance.

 I think this adventure is a bit closer to G1 when it comes to delivering on faction play and lower levels with weird shit to explore/interact with. The evil temple is pretty delicious if the players figure it out and there is a lot of potential in the various prisoners that can be freed in level 2.

 There is plenty to enjoy here, including what I assume is the introduction of Drow to d&d. 

 Yes the writing/formatting is not up to the heights of modern standards however it is still perfectly usable.



   You should be able to drop this into a remote region of your world fairly easily.. 


 I much prefer this to G2, it is much closer to G1 in terms of providing variety of content as you go down the levels.

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