Sunday, January 15, 2023

Grohog Clan

 By Jarred Willans & Jason Duff

FEI Games Inc.

OSE, 1st-3rd level(?) 

Premise: There's gold gnolls in them there hills.

What do we get here?

 Over 15 pages we get a 6 room dungeon.


 I suppose the layout is fine given the super basic nature of it. The writing is very bland and uninspiring.

 Any thoughts of faction play or reaction rolls seem to be out the window as far as the writer is concerned, which is kind of weird as one of the opening rumours says that the gnoll leader can be bargained with.

 The whole thing ends up being a boring hack and slash effort without much room for player agency.

 About the only thing I like here is the scraped together reward the local village is offering, that is pretty realistic and flavourful.


   Should be easy to plonk down anywhere that you have a village. 


 There is a tiny bit of Seven Samurai in the set up to this one, if only there was a lot more. Not worth attempting to run in my opinion. You can come up with something better on your own.

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