Wednesday, January 18, 2023

The Lair of Lazhir

 By Cameron Shanton

self published

OSE, unknown level 

Premise: Go retrieve the lost shipment of a merchant which has ended up in the liar of a devil possessed carcass crawler.

What do we get here?

  Over 12 pages we get 17 points on a point crawl.



 A good hook, my kingdom for a good hook. How many times must we suffer through these bland hooks? Merchants with lost shipments are boring.

Using a slightly odd adaptation of the OSE house style the formatting of the text is a little weird however you get all the info you need to easily run the adventure. One thing I really like is the designer taking the time to tell you what the characters can glean about the next rooms from the one they are currently in, no more switching back and forth between room descriptions.

 There is a good mix of the usual cave stuff, stranded drow and dwarven ruins packed into a small adventure.

 Most of the elements you want are here, emergent story from exploring the dungeon, loops and faction play. Some of the NPCs could be trimmed up a bit, you can do the same or more with less.

 What is really lacking is interesting treasure, just heaps of coin and generic magic items. We can do better and we should! The wandering monster tables do not do much to inspire either.



   Should be easy to plonk down in any setting with a mythic underworld. 


 Unfortunately it looks like the author might have pulled this one, possible due to the OGL nonsense WoTC have festered on the community.

 If you can find it a fun little adventure that with some tweaks could be really good.

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