Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Field of Daisies


By Daniel Bell

Columbia Games

Harnmaster, introductory/easy 

Premise: One of the local kids has gone missing, the only place not checked is the near by creepy caves.

What do we get here?

  Weighing in at 57 pages this product has an adventure that takes up the first 24 pages, giving a dungeon with 17 keyed locations.



 The double edged sword of Harn products is they function as both a detailed local gazetteer and adventure making for some awkward formatting choices.

 For just an adventure there is far too much information on some of the NPCs, we don't need to know their whole life story. Information is also not always where you want it making the adventure harder to run. We get the full synopsis of the adventure first then the gazetteer meaning information need to run the adventure is often not near the synopsis.

 As adventures go the set up for this one is pretty classic for an opening adventure with a nice little set up. Things are set at about the right level for a low-ish fantasy world.

 The cave/dungeon is not super interactive in a high fantasy way however it does have stuff to explore and a history that emerges through play. There are loops and the option for different resolutions or what might pass for faction play in a small dungeon.

 If you are moving this adventure to a more d&d like system you will find it a little low on the treasure side. The cursed blade does present opportunities for shenanigans though. 

 Somewhat disappointingly there is not really a field of daisies that features prominently in the adventure.



   Should be easy to plonk down anywhere that you have a village. 


 Yes the formatting is a major issue but this remains a decent take on a classic starter adventure scenario. All Harn products on the expensive side so it is pretty hard to recommend this one, it does not jump out as a must run which it definitely needs to for a $20 pdf! You do get quick start rules at least in this one so you are getting slightly more for your money.


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