Friday, January 20, 2023

The Village of the Gangrenous Tribe - Populated Hexes Hex 13.21

By Todd Leback

Third Kingdom Games

OSE, unknown level 

Premise: A populated hex split down into sub hexes to explore.

What do we get here?

  Over 19 pages we get one major location and four minor ones.



  The writing here is very nuts and bolts, you get all you need to run the locations and combat spelled out very clearly, in decent detail. There is no evocative writing for descriptions and I found the more artistic maps at odds with the business like text. I was expecting grid maps to go with this type of writing.

 It would make things easier to run if the wants/needs of the factions or major NPCs of the factions was much more clearly put upfront rather than buried in where the NPCs are located. Similarly some of the things you need to know about what happens when players enter/leave the sub hexes is buried far down in the text. You will have to read and make notes on the whole thing before you can run it.

 There is not much to the minor locations, the orc clan is basically the be all and end all of this hex.

 You do get some decent interactivity and treasure here, there is also a new class included, the orc shaman class.



  It is a hex, you put it down you should be fine. Does not reference other hexes from this series too much. 


 The good news is if you like this content then Todd Leback is a prolific creator so there is plenty more where this came from. For my taste this is a little dry and the formatting could do with a little bit of work, that being said you do get a decent amount of content here.

Just under $4 for the pdf and there are printed options too.

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