Saturday, January 21, 2023

Troubadour (New Class)


 Devout followers of the chivalric code troubadours are knight musicians and poets, usually on the poorer end of the knightly spectrum.


Requirements: Minimum STR 9, minimum CON 9

Prime requisite: CHA

Hit Dice: 1d8

Maximum level: 14

Armour: Chainmail, plate mail, shields

Weapons: Melee weapons.

Languages: Alignment, Common

 Impoverished compared to knights, troubadours uphold the values of the chivalric code and promote its values through verse and song. Troubadours are entertainers who serve a noble house or knightly order, carrying out their liege’s command and upholding the honour of the liege at all costs.

Alignment: A troubadour must have the same alignment as their liege.

Chivalric Code

As a knight in the OSE Advanced rules.


As a knight in the OSE Advanced rules.


A troubadour of 3rd level or higher can expect hospitality and aid from nobles and other knights of the same alignment or social affiliation (e.g. order, religion, noble house, etc.). A troubadour is expected to extend such hospitality in kind as well as provide entertainment for his hosts and allies.


Troubadours learn new languages as they advance in level. At every even numbered level above 3rd (i.e. 4th, 6th, 8th, etc.), the player may choose an additional language. Unlike the bard class they may NOT learn the secret language of druids through this ability.


From 2nd level, a troubadour has a 2-in-6 chance of knowing lore pertaining to monsters, magic items, or heroes of folktale or legend. This ability may be used to identify the nature and powers of magic weapons and armour.

Mounted Combat

Troubadours gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls when mounted.

Strength of Will

Fear: Troubadours are immune to all supernatural fear effects. From 3rd level, companions within 10’ of the troubadour who can hear their words or song gain a +2 bonus on saving throws against fear effects, and retainers and mercenaries under the troubadour’s command within 10’ who can hear their words or song gain a +2 bonus to loyalty or morale.

Beguilement: Troubadours gain a +4 bonus to saving throws against hold spells, charms, mind control, hypnotism, suggestion, etc.

They gain a +2 bonus to saving throws against illusion, and gain a saving throw (one is not normally allowed) against sleep spells.


Any time a troubadour of 6th level or higher wishes (and has sufficient money), they can build a castle or stronghold and control the surrounding lands. The permission of the troubadour’s liege is always required.

Troubadour level progression table: As a knight in the OSE advanced rules.

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