Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Valley of the Cracked Helm

By Billy Longino

Union of Hirelings, Henchmen and Hangers on

OSE, levels 3-5

Premise: Explore a valley of wild dwarfs if you dare.

What do we get here?

  Over 2 pages we get a point crawl with 10 major locations in it.



 I much prefer this to the previous effort I reviewed from the same designer. Here we have the same level of detail and content packed into an incredibly small space with just the right level of humour. Sure the set up is bananas however it is not as meta as "Thicc as Thieves".

 You can easily run this lost valley for several sessions. You will have to pad out some of the locations and add in decent treasure yourself, the frame work is there though for you to have plenty to build off.

 Where the adventure does get meta it does so in the right way, I am thinking of the rival murder hobos in the random encounters table.



   Easy to drop into a mountainous region on the edge of civilization.


 Definitely looks like a lot of fun even if you do have to add to it a little yourself. For the length (two pages) and the cost (free if you want) you will be hard pressed to find better than this.

 Pay what you want on drive thru.


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