Wednesday, February 8, 2023

BH12 In Search of the Forgotten City

By RC Pinnell

Self published

Basic, 3rd level+

Premise: After finding the local ruins cleared you discover a door to a secret layer below.

What do we get here?

  Over 15 pages we get a 2 level dungeon.



 My pet peeve of dungeon maps being right at the end of the adventure rather than near the text rears its ugly head here. A large number of chambered are keyed E for empty with the helpful suggestion you could stock them yourself as if this is not the job of the one writing the adventure. Beyond empty rooms there are a number of other areas where the GM is encouraged to "fill in" if they so desire.

 Everything is written in long paragraphs you have to hack through which makes my patience for this adventure pretty thin. There is nothing in the way of theme here, just a mish mash of monsters. Lack of theme and bland writing gives little flavour to the adventure

 There are loops in the map, when we do finally get them. Nothing approaching faction play is available here due to the random monsters included. Some of the treasure shows at least a little thought behind it.


   Supposed to be the mid part of a three adventure series so hard to really drop down on its own.


 No flavour means no love from me.

Not sure where I picked this up originally and doesn't seem to show up on google anymore, you aren't missing much.

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