Thursday, February 16, 2023

Curse of the pyramid

By OnePageMage

self published

5E, level 4

Premise: A cursed monster is rumoured to protect great treasures in a pyramid.

What do we get here?

  Over 1 page we get a 5 encounter adventure.



Within the limitations of a one page dungeon this adventure is okay, nothing special. It is laid out well, you can easily follow and run this one.

 There is a lack of anything really evocative, there is no theme that really shines through.

 As 5E adventures go this is a pretty standard one and will be missing a lot of the elements OSR players might be looking for in terms of interactivity and so on.


   While described as a pyramid in the desert the basic nature of this one means it could be a tomb in any location really.


 As always hard to argue with free, just not a lot here.

 Available for free on reddit.

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