Friday, February 17, 2023

Where it all started

 Something a bit different today.

Been doing some reorganising so here is a bit of where my table top interest started.

I'm from the UK so my childhood was dominated by Games Workshop of the 90s, so that means largely wargaming rather than RPGs. Wahmmer Quest was a big part of my gaming for a several years however that was purely hack and slash, we never touched the roleplay book for that game, just the random generation and hacking away at monsters.

Prior to the table top stuff there were the fighting fantasy books from Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone. Other game books that followed up from that were the Knightmare tie in ones, the show itself being a big influence on me, and the Lonewolf books.

Included in the above picture at the bottom is the all full collection of The Ancestral Trail, a very popular early 90s magazine that had a first set of issues with a fantasy story and a second set with a sci-fi theme.

 My introduction to actual d&d didn't come till I found the Dragonlance books in the school library and then there was no actual playing just reading novels. While the d&d novels made it over here I never saw the actual RPG books in my local bookstores. 

 Following on from that was of course the Bioware Infinity Engine games, Baldur's Gate 1&2 as well as Icewind Dale 1&2. I did not play Planescape: Torment till it got the Enchanced Edition release from Beamdog.

Hopefully this little jaunt through my cupboards gives you an idea where I am coming from with my table top influences. 

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