Tuesday, February 21, 2023

MA#95 The Little Book of Barrows Vol 1.

 By Tim Short


B/X, level 1?

Premise: Sort out a mess of ghost dog and wights bothering a rural family.

What do we get here?

  Over 8 pages we get 2 very small barrows.



 These are not really adventures or even adventure sites, more curios you can place in a hex for players to stumble across and poke at.

 The first barrow comes with an unnecessary page of back story that will never come up in play. 

 I like the concept of the two barrows, the maps and writing are decent they just need to be expanded a little both in room size and theme. There is actually some merit to the idea of a book of barrows, file that under ideas I'll never follow up on.


   Very simple to drop into hexes as required.


 I feel like the author always gets off to a good start with these micro set ups they just need a bit more polish to the writing.

Available on the author's patreon


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