Monday, February 20, 2023

My homebrew world

 Everybody has one, here is a dump of maps I have made over the years of my homebrew world Aelwydi.

The continent of Tirbore is my rough fantasy Europe analogue. Human kingdoms dominate the western portion of the continent, the central mountain range is home to the dwarven thanes while orc and goblins historically dominated the eastern part of the kingdom, now a new power rises in the east in the form of an evil dwarven empire of exiles.

Known as Strangur the most northern continent is a fantasy Scandinavia where civilisation is held at the mercy of an ancient white dragon.

What remains of the Elven home continent after its destruction are the tiny tropical islands of Llaethod which is now home to minotaur slavers and pirates.

Civilisation hangs by a thread on the continent of Deheuol as the human kingdoms of the continent focus on their petty squabbles rather than face the existential threat of the undead armies that maraud from the centre of the continent. Deheuol serves as my fantasy Africa analogue.

In the far west is the continent of Haulilwar, my fantasy Asia analogue. Outsiders may consider the Fenghuang empire the largest empire in the world however it is barely cohesive ever changing sea of warlords who only pay lip service to the imperial family.

Finally a map of the night sky as seen from the Southern hemisphere. The people of Aakasheey believe the constellations represent the celestial beings they worship.

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