Sunday, February 26, 2023

The Bloody Raven

By Kerry Mould

Self Published

Harn, low/moderate difficulty

Premise: While travelling in the wilds the players come across an abandoned dwarven outpost.

What do we get here?

  Over 6 pages we get a mini adventure.



 Consider me perplexed. This is supposed to be a "dungeon crawl, with the dungeon it self" however it seems to be missing the dungeon crawl part.

There is plenty of set up and an external map but nothing like a dungeon crawl map to go with it.

 I am down for the set up there just doesn't appear to be any follow through. Really needs a major flesh out to be able to run it.


   Pretty easy to put anywhere in the wild I suppose.


 More of an outline than anything else, not really game-able content as is.

Available on Lythia for free.

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