Friday, March 24, 2023

Shadowmancer: Level Six Spells

1. Blackmantle

Duration: 1 turn per level of the caster

Range: 180'

 Creatures in a 15' radius must save vs spells or have shadow energy cling to their forms. The shadow energy stops all healing or regeneration for the duration of the spell.

2. Energy Drain

As per the necromancer with the exception that a person drained of all levels does not rise as a zombie under the control of the caster.

3. Moon Pool

Duration: 1 turn

Range: Special

 By viewing the reflection of the moon in a pool of liquid or a mirror the caster may scry on anything the moon's light falls upon.

4. Nightmare

Duration: Special

Range: Touch

 The recipient of the spell names an individual then falls asleep, filling the sleep of the target with horrid nightmares. Those that fail their save vs spells suffer 1d10 points of damage and do not regain any spells or hit points from their nights rest.

 The reverse of this spell is Dream. The recipient of the spell names an individual then falls asleep projecting themselves into the the dream of the target to deliver a message to the target. The communication is one and once the message is delivered the sender returns to their body.

5. Project Shadow

As per the magic user spell Project Image.

6. Shades

As per the illusionist spell.

7. Shadow Gauntlet

Duration: 1 round per level of the caster

Range:  30 feet per level of the caster

As per the level 5 spell Shadow Hand with the addition of being able to interact with physical objects. The gauntlet can use weapons, take objects or protect the caster. 

* Attacking: The gauntlet uses the Shadowmancers THAC0.

*Taking objects:  A creature holding an object must save vs spell to stop the gauntlet snatching the item from them.

* Protecting: The gauntlet increases the AC of the individual protected to 4[15]

8. Shadow Walk

Duration: 1 hour per level of the caster

Range: Touch

 While standing in shadows the caster and any creatures touched by them travel to the border between the mundane world and the shadow realm. In this undefined space it is possible to travel 50 miles of distance in the real world per hour spent shadow walking. When the caster and their fellow travellers return to the mundane world they are 1d10x1000 feet away from where they expect to be in a random direction.

9. Spectral Steed

Duration: 1 hour per level of the caster

Range: 30' feet

 Pulled from the shadow plane a winged creature of darkness is summoned to serve the caster. The creature can carry the caster and one extra person per three levels of the caster.

The creature has AC 2 [17] and 10hp plus an additional 2 hp per level of the caster. The creature cannot attack and flies at a speed equal to a dragon.

10. Symbol Sleep

Duration: Special

Range: Special

 The Shadowmancer spends a turn placing an arcane ruin on upon a surface. When triggered all creatures of 6HD or less within 60 feet of the symbol fall into a catatonic sleep for 3d6 turns. Sleeping creatures can not be woken by non magical means.

11. Turnshadow

Duration: 1 round per level of the cater

Range: 180'

  The caster causes all creatures in a 40' square created by the shadow monsters, demi-shadow monsters or shade spells to flee in panic for the duration of the spell.

 The caster can also cast the spell targeting a specific shadow creature created by one of the aforementioned spells to take control of a creature summoned by another caster. Once the spell ends the creature returns to the shadow plane.

12. Wave of Fatigue

Duration: Instantaneous

Range: 30'

 All creatures in a 90' cone are fatigued, meaning they act last in combat and are unable to flee combat.

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