Thursday, March 23, 2023

Shadowmancer: Level Five Spells

1. Creeping Shadows

Duration: 3 rounds per level of the caster

Range: 240'

 The spell creates a could of deepest black roughly the size of five cubic feet, while the caster maintains concentration they can move and shape the cloud as they wish. The cloud can be moved at a rate of 30' per round, can not be seen through and no sound will escape from inside it. Wind will make the cloud drift.

2. Demi-Shadow Monsters

As per the illusionist spell.

3. Enveloping Darkness

Duration:  1d4 rounds + 1 per level of the caster

Range: Self

 The caster creates a 20' radius zone of darkness around themselves. While the caster can see in and through the darkness as it were normal light no others can see through the darkness, even those with infravision.

4. Major Creation

As per the illusionist spell.

5. Pass Wall

Duration: 1 hour

Range: 90'

This spell allows the caster to create an open passage in any wooden, plaster or stone wall. The passage created is at most 5' wide, 8' tall and 10' deep.

6. Phantom Blade

Duration: 1 round per level of the caster

Range: Self

Pulling wisps of shadows together the caster creates a blade of shadow energy. The blade has a +2 to hit and does 1d10 points of damage but cannot be used against objects. Against undead or beings from other planes the blade is a +4 to hit and does 4d4 points of damage. 


7. Shadowcast

As per the illusionist spell.

8. Shadow Door

Duration: 1 round per level of the caster

Range: 30'

Those watching believe they see the caster open a door and step into a 10'x10' room, closing the door behind themselves. In reality the caster is invisible and free to escape. 

9. Shadow Hand

Duration: 1 round per level of the caster

Range: 30' per level of the caster

 A smoky hand of shadows, shaped like a normal human hand, is called forth from the shadow plane to to serve the caster. The caster can move the hand to any point within range as they wish.

 The hand may block one opponent per round, halving the movement speed of a creature of less than 1000 points of weight. 

 The caster may attack with the hand, doing 1d4 points of damage with a successful attack using their own attack bonus/THAC0.

 Otherwise the hand may not interact with physical objects or creatures.

10. Shadow Hound

Duration: Special

Range: 30'

 Called forth from its home on the shadow plane the hound will act as guardian to one passage, room, door or similar. Any intruder will cause the hound to warn the caster. The hound can detect invisible creatures and does not react to illusions. 

 If an intruder exposes their back to the hound it will attack with THAC0 11[+8] doing 3d6 damage with the damage counting as magical damage.

 The hound can not be attacked, only dispelled. The hound remains for 1 hour plus an extra half hour per level of the caster. Once activated by an intruder the hound only remains for a further 1 round per level of the caster.

11. Shadowy Transformation

As per the illusionist spell.

12. Wall of Gloom

Duration: Concentration

Range: 60'

Conjures an opaque curtain of shadows, shaped as the caster wishes.

* Size: The wall can be any length, height, and shape the caster wishes, up to 1,200 sq. ft total. For example, it may be a straight wall 10’ high and 120’ long or a ring 20’ high and 10’ radius.

* Location: The wall cannot be created in an area occupied by objects.

* Monsters with fewer than 4 HD: Cannot pass the wall of gloom and must retreat for 1d3 rounds if they fail a save vs spells.

* Monsters with 4 or more HD:  Can pass through the wall on a successful save vs spell. 

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