Saturday, January 6, 2024

Blaster (new class)


 Dwarfs know the secret to black powder weapons, here is a class for dwarfs that specialise in such weapons! (Carcass crawler 1 or alternative rules of your preference for firearms required).


Requirements: Minimum CON 9, minimum DEX 9

Prime requisite: STR

Hit Dice: 1d8

Maximum level: 12

Armour: Leather, chainmail, no shields

Weapons: Firearms only

Languages: Alignment, Common, Dwarvish, Gnomish, Goblin, Kobold.

 Closely guarded by the dwarfs is the secret of black powder, blasters are the experts in using black powder weapons. 


 Blasters may not use shields and can only wear leather armour or chainmail.


Blasters may only use firearms, the rules for which can be found in Carcass Crawler 1. As experts with firearms blasters can fire and reload in the same turn ignoring the usual reload penalty applied to firearms.

 A firearm maintained by a blaster only misfires in normal conditions on an unmodified attack roll of a one, in damp conditions on an unmodified attack roll of a one or a two. 


Detect Construction Tricks

As expert miners, dwarves have a 2-in-6 chance of being able to detect new construction, sliding walls, or sloping passages when searching.

Detect Room Traps

Due to their expertise with construction, dwarves have a 2-in-6 chance of detecting non-magical room traps when searching.


Dwarves have infravision to 60’

After Reaching 9th Level

 Upon reaching 9th level a blaster may found a gunsmith attracting 2d6 apprentices. With suitable time and resources a gunsmith can research and produce new weapons or applications of black powder. Any new inventions may require the approval of the local engineers guild or may draw their eire! 

 Blaster progression

 Blasters use the same progression table as the standard dwarf class in all regards.

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