Saturday, March 16, 2024

Stonekin spells

 Here are the spells to go with my previously posted stonekin class.

Stonekin Spell List

1st Level

Animate Stalactite

Detect Danger

Locate Mineral or Ore

Message Stone

Sense Direction


Striking Stones

Stone Blend

2nd Level

Climb Stone

Cloak Body Heat

Create Water

Cure Light Wounds (Cause Lt. Wounds)

Ground Bind

Mask Stone

Rock Blast

Shale Skin

3rd Level

Earth Sense

Earth Shake

Meld to Stone

Protection From Earth

Stone Shape

Stone Staff

4th Level

Create Passage

Cure Serious Wounds (Cause Sr. Wounds)

Dispel Magic

Restore Earth

Speak with Stones


5th Level

Commune With Earth

Protection From Petrification

Stone Seeing

Stone to Flesh (Flesh to Stone)

Transmute Rock to Mud (Med to Rock)

Wall of Stone

1st Level Spells

Animate Stalactite
Duration: Permanent
Range: Touch

 The caster touches a stalactite which is awakened. When the next living creature passes under the stalactite it will fall on the creature destroying itself. The stalactite has a THAC0 19 [+1] and does 1d6 damage if it hits.

Locate Mineral or Ore
Duration: 6 turns
Range: 120’

The caster knows the direction of but not the distance to the largest deposit of one type of mineral or ore in range. Each turn the caster may attempt to detect a different type of mineral or ore for as long as the spell lasts.

Message Stone
Duration: Permanent
Range: Touch

The cast imbues a stone with a single, one sentence message that the stone will repeat either when touched or when someone passes nearby.

Sense Direction
Duration: Instant
Range: The Caster

 The caster knows their depth below ground and the cardinal direction in which they are facing.

Duration: 1 turn
Range: 80’

 The caster makes a 20’ radius of a stone or earth surface slippery. A creature in or attempting to traverse the area must save vs spells or fall down. 

Striking Stones
Duration: Special
Range: Touch

 The caster enchants three pebbles which can then be thrown 30’ or used in a sling. When used the pebbles count as magical weapons and do double damage to undead.

Stone Blend
Duration: Permanent (but may be broken)
Range: Touch

 A single creature with the spell cast upon them blends into a stone background. The spell is broken if:

The creature moves.
A physical or close visual inspection of the region is made.

2nd Level Spells

Climb Stone
Duration: 1 turn per level
Range: Touch

 The target can climb any stone surface at their current movement speed.

Cloak Body Heat
Duration: Permanent (can be broken)
Range: Touch

 A single creature becomes invisible to creatures with dark vision while in darkness. If the subject attacks or casts a spell then the spell is broken.

Ground Bind
Duration: 1 turn per level
Range: 120’

This spell causes one creature standing on an earth or stone surface who faces their save vs petrification to become rooted to the spot. Creatures affected can still move parts of their body that are not connected directly to the earth or stone.

Mask Stone
Duration: Permanent
Range: Touch

 The caster creates the image of a seamless piece of stone where a feature such as a door, seem, crack or trap etc is located within a stone or rock surface, the feature remains, can be touched and used but not seen from a visual inspection. 

Rock Blast
Duration: Instant
Range: 180’

 A pile of stone or rock explodes showering shrapnel on those within 20’. All creatures in range take 1d4 damage.

Shale Skin
Duration: 1 turn per level
Range: Touch

The subject’s skin takes on a brittle, grey appearance giving them +1 to AC and saving throws except against magical effects.

3rd Level Spells

Earth Sense
Duration: 12 turns
Range: 60’

 The caster extends their senses through the earth or stone in a 60’ diameter. For the spell to continue the caster must remain in place and in touch with the stone.

Earth Shake
Duration: 1 round per level
Range: 320’

 The caster makes the earth in a 30’ radius shake violently. Creatures in the area of effect must save vs spells or fall down. Structures and terrain in the area may be weakened or damaged depending on their sturdiness. 

Meld to Stone
Duration: 1 turn per level
Range: Touch

The subject can meld into the surface of a stone of their size or larger, making them indistinguishable from the stone to others. While melded to the stone the subject is aware of the passage of time but unaware of what is happening outside.

Protection From Earth
Duration: 6 turns
Range: Touch

 The subject is immune to 6 points of damage per level of the caster when that damage comes from stone, rock or earth and creatures made from those materials.

Stone Shape
Duration: Permanent
Range: Touch
Reshapes an area of stone or rock as the caster desires. Area affected is 3 cubic feet per level of the caster.

Stone Staff
Duration: 1 turn
Range: Touch

 The spell transforms a piece of stone into a magical stone staff which gives the caster a +2 to attack and damage when attacking with it.

4th Level Spells

Create Passage
Duration: 3 turns
Range: 30’

 A 4’ diameter hole is temporarily opened in a solid rock or stone, forming a passageway up to 10’ deep.

Restore Earth
Duration: 1 round per level
Range: Touch

 Placing a stone structure the caster gradually repairs the stone. The caster repairs 10 cubic feet per round. Destroyed structures are unaffected by the spell.

Speak with Stones
Duration: 3 turns
Range: 30’

This spell has two usages:
Normal stones: Communication with normal stones or rocks. The caster may ask simple questions and the stones or rocks will reply with a general feeling or memory of something they witnessed .
Monstrous stones: Communication with stone-like or stone-based monsters.

Duration: 6 turns
Range: Touch
A willing creature’s skin is turned to stone protecting it from non-magical attacks for the duration of the spell.

5th Level Spells

Commune with Stone

As per Commune with Nature spell except works in environments of natural or worked stone.

Protection from Petrification
Duration: 1 round per level
Range: Touch

 The subject is immune to all petrification effects for the duration of the spell.

Stone Seeing
Duration: 1 round per level
Range: Unlimited

 For the duration of the spell the caster can see out from any stone or rock they know of with the usual range and limitations of their own sight.

Stone to Flesh (Flesh to Stone)

 As per the 6th level Magic User spell.

Transmute Rock to Mud (Med to Rock)

 As per the 5th level Magic User spell.

Wall of Stone

 As per the 5th level Magic User spell.

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