Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Qruhl Coast

 By Mark Conway

self published

OSE, unknown level 

Premise: You find yourself on a strange beach inhabited by crab people and troglodytes.

What do we get here?

  Over 10 pages we get a hex crawl and 2  dungeons.



 You need to have a taste for the gonzo to run this adventure, everything is a bit weird here.

 There are three locations on the hex crawl, two of which are dungeons. Thankfully a pretty fun random encounter table makes up for the lack of content in many of the hexes.

 We get a decent amount of faction play both in the hex crawl and the dungeons themselves. Treasure is boring, no one wants to roll on the standard treasure charts, give us something unique!

 The writing is short and to the point. We get a degree of personality from the set up of the adventure if not a lot of evocative text from descriptions.



   Your world does need to be able to cope with a bit of weird before dropping this one into it.


 A decent bit of content that could fill more than a few sessions. Pay what you want on drive thru so well worth checking out in my opinion.


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