Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Thicc as Thieves

By Billy Longino

Union of Hirelings, Henchmen and Hangers on

OSE, levels 3-5

Premise: Local thieves have upset the monks by robbing them of an important item.

What do we get here?

  Over 2 pages we get a dungeon with 24 rooms.



 If you want a great example of how to do a lot with a little this is it. Tons of content is crammed into to two pages here.

 NPCs have plenty of personality, there is unique treasure, a "dungeon" with different access points and loops as well as bit of faction play. Everything is clear and excellently laid out.

 This would be top tier content if not for the fact it is a joke adventure where the joke falls completely flat. If you think getting fat and unit of drinking too many protein shakes is the height of comedy then fill your boots, otherwise this is just one big eye roll.



   Your world needs to be able to do meta comedy or this won't work at all.


 An excellent example of how to, a terrible example of comedy. Not something I would want to run however it could be salvaged if you need a local thieves guild to raid and took out the crass humour.

 Pay what you want on drive thru.

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