Thursday, January 26, 2023

Sword in the Sleeping Island

By David Harvison

Eyes for teeth

OSE, "mid"  levels

Premise: There is an island where some sleepy boy sorcerers hid their treasures.

What do we get here?

  Over 13 pages we get a dungeon with 8 keyed locations.



 Well formatted and structured this is an easy to run adventure. The writing may lack a little in flavour to really excite you however this is a perfectly usable effort.

 The map from Dyson Logos is a solid frame work to build off although I do have two issues with it. It is a bit linear, hard to escape with such a small number of rooms, and half the adventure is hidden behind a secret door which can be a problem if players miss it or get stuck.

 Treasure is okay, the attempt at faction play is nothing special but at least it is present. I do like that there was at least an effort made to offering a variety of hooks even if they are a bit bland.



   Islands are always good for dropping into to existing campaigns.


 A perfect little hex filler or drop in location for an existing campaign, easy to skin up for your own world.

 Costs $3 on itch with a number of unclaimed community copies still available at the time of writing.

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