Thursday, February 2, 2023

In the Pines MA#93

By Tim Shorts

Self published

No system/level given

Premise: A small village requires the help of an elf!

What do we get here?

  Over 6 pages we get a small solo adventure for an elf character.



 I am kind of baffled at the order information is given in this adventure. It really seems like the pages are out of order and with so few pages that is a pretty impressive feat to achieve.

 You can figure out what is going on after reading through the whole thing but really should you have to in this day and age?

 The adventure itself is a twist where the PC ends up as the sacrifice. Without much warning and no clues that is a bit harsh. And what is the character supposed to do when they find out they have been double crossed? It does not go anywhere after that.

With some time and effort you could probably build a folk-horror out of this adventure, it just is not here with what is given.


 I will say that the hex map of the area is nicely done, well worth using if nothing else.


   Any small forested area should fit for this adventure, you could probably make it work for a party rather than solo if you really wanted too.


 Potential with a major rewrite. The author puts out a nice looking product it just does not work is the problem. 

Available on the author's patreon.

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