Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Shadowmancer: Level Four Spells

1. Black Tentacles

Duration: 1 hour

Range: 90'

 A 30' square is filled with 1d4+1 black tentacles. The tentacles are 10' long, have AC 4[15] and 1 hit point for ever level of the caster. The tentacles are unintelligent and will attack anything in range.

  A creature attacked by the tentacles must save vs spells, on a success they take 1d4 damage and the tentacle is destroyed. On a failure the creature takes 2d4 damage and is entangled, on subsequent round the tentacle does 3d4 damage to its victim.

2.  Create Drakenbeast

Duration: Special

Range: 120'

Animals under 2 HD in a 20' diameter circle are transformed into Drakenbeasts. One animal per level the caster may be transformed. The spell may only be cast in the dark.

 Drankenbeast: AC 4[15], HD 5+5, Att 1 x fangs  (1d10 +2) and 2 x claws (1d4), THAC0 15[+4], Movement 360', 120' flying, SV 10/11/12/13/14

Immune to mind control. -1 to attack rolls when exposed to bright light. Telepathically controlled by creator so do not check for morale.

3. Dispel Magic

As per the magic user spell.

4. Dimension Door

As per the magic user spell.

5. Dream of Truth

Duration: Special

Range: Touch

The recipient of the spell experiences a vivid dream related to the last thoughts they have before going to sleep. The dream can reveal an answer to one question or solution to one problem. As the answer comes from the dreamer's own subconscious information provided in the dream can only come from things the dreamer already knows even if it is things the conscious mind may have forgotten or is unable to reason itself.

6. Enervation

Duration: 1d4 hours

Range: Touch

 The creature touched temporarily loses one experience level (or Hit Die).

Attack roll: In combat, a melee attack roll is required. If the attack misses, the spell is wasted.

Effects: The victim loses one Hit Die of hit points, as well as all other benefits due to the drained level (e.g. spells, saving throws, etc.). A character’s XP is reduced to halfway between the former and new levels. 

Restrictions: Non-living targets (including undead) are not affected.

7. Fatigue

Duration: 1 round per level of the caster

Range: 0

Creatures in a 30' cone must save vs spell or become fatigued. Fatigued creatures always act last in the round and are unable to retreat.

8. Gloom

Duration: 1 turn per level of the caster

Range: 120'

 All light sources within the area of effect are weakened. Mundane sources of light only illuminate a 5' radius, magical means of light only illuminate a 10' radius. The spell covers a 120' radius and may be cast on an object to make the area of effect mobile.

9. Minor Creation

As per the illusionist spell.

10. Shadow Monsters

As per the illusionist spell.

11. Shadowshield

Duration: Special

Range: Touch

The caster creates a phantom shadow to help protect the target of the spell. The phantom has half the hit points of the creature the spell is cast on and a 60% chance of being struck by any attack targeted at the creature.  When the phantom is reduced to 0 hit points or lower it is dispelled. Can only be cast when the recipient's shadow is visible. 

12. Shadow Well

Duration: 1 round per level of the caster

Range: 30'

The target's own  shadow reaches up and pulls the creature back into the shadow realm. The target must save vs spells or be pulled into the shadow realm for 1 round per level of the caster.

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